Amiga Format CD 41
Amiga Format CD41 (1999-06)(Future Publishing)(GB)[!][issue 1999-07].iso
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Text File
555 lines
This is the dodgy shopping mall level for DooM2d II!
©opyright Alex Watson of TACsoft '98
You may look through this for inspiration and how the files work, but please don't copy too much!
If you make a map for this game, *PLEASE* send it to aminet!
Name of level...
<NAME: Shopping spree!>
Number of rooms...
<ROOMS: 30>
Define weapon: number, ammo, accuracy, damage, name, text1, text2
<WEAPON: 0|00|40|03|sharp pencil|you poke|in the eyes>
<WEAPON: 1|19|60|30|pistol|you shoot>
<WEAPON: 2|12|80|120|grenade launcher|you cunningly bounce a grenade beneath the unwitting|and...BOOOOM!>
<WEAPON: 3|00|30|10|fire extinguisher|you knock|for six>
<WEAPON: 4|00|50|15|running boots|you kick out to the face of|and then kick 'em when the're down! Satisfying!>
<WEAPON: 5|00|30|30|Super MinceMaster 2000 (tm)|You slice>
<WEAPON: 6|00|40|30|weedgone spray|you spray the weedkiller at|. They start to shrivel>
<WEAPON: 7|16|95|60|shotgun||is now fully a full working replica of a 1980's steel colander>
here's the long bit...
note that line 8 is reserved for description of objects, 9 enemy.
roomtext room#,line#,text
<ROOMTEXT: 1|1|You find yourself outside the TESKO shopping mall. It has lots of shiny>
<ROOMTEXT: 1|2|windows and stuff and is rather intimidating. You realize the only way to get to>
<ROOMTEXT: 1|3|the place you are in a hurry to get to is through. To the east is some>
<ROOMTEXT: 1|4|park, and there is a rotating door type thing to get into the mall to the>
<ROOMTEXT: 1|5|building. A bin lies nearby.>
hmmm. Steroids in the bin?!?!?
<ROOMOBJECT: 1|41|the steroids in the bin>
roomexits room#,north,east,south,west
<ROOMEXITS: 1|0|2|0|8>
<ROOMTEXT: 2|1|You are now into the park, and you are temporairily blinded by reflected light off the windows.>
<ROOMTEXT: 2|2|You can go west towards the entrance, east towards a children's>
<ROOMTEXT: 2|3|playground and north.>
<ROOMTEXT: 2|9|There are some nicely tended flowers at your feet and birds sing in the trees>
define roomenemy room#,weapon,accuracy,varability,energy,name,enweap
<ROOMENEMY: 2|2|50|50|6|1|a bird|bombs you from great height>
<ROOMEXITS: 2|4|3|0|1>
<ROOMTEXT: 3|1|You are in a dodgy playground with a slide and a swing and a hard concrete falling area.>
<ROOMTEXT: 3|2|You have a quick go on the seesaw, but soon realize that you are in a hurry. You can go>
<ROOMTEXT: 3|3|north towards a big silvery looking tree or west towards the entrance of the mall.>
<ROOMTEXT: 3|9|You now notice the sand pit is slowly moving and wibbling...arrgh! A huge sandpit monster emerges!>
<ROOMENEMY: 3|7|60|30|10|1|a sand monster|polishes your flesh with it's abrasive qualities>
<ROOMEXITS: 3|5|0|0|2>
<ROOMTEXT: 4|1|You are near the building here. The park carries on to the north, east and south>
<ROOMTEXT: 4|2|An air conditioning vent blows hot air over you, with a faint smell of fresh>
<ROOMTEXT: 4|3|doughnuts. You take a bite out of an old hairy mars bar in your pocket, but it isn't>
<ROOMTEXT: 4|4|quite the same>
<ROOMTEXT: 4|8|There is a dodgy looking adidas bag lying near the air vent>
<ROOMOBJECT: 4|2|not very well disguised 110mm grenade launcher>
<ROOMEXITS: 4|6|5|2|0>
<ROOMTEXT: 5|1|This is a boring piece of flat, nicely cut grass. Yawn. Why not try going inside?>
<ROOMTEXT: 5|2|There is a strange looking tree to the north, the mall to the west and the playground>
<ROOMTEXT: 5|3|to the south>
<ROOMEXITS: 5|7|0|3|4>
<ROOMTEXT: 6|1|You are in a shady corner of the park, in between two sides of the mall. You look up>
<ROOMTEXT: 6|2|and see one of the huge plate glass windows smashed with a body shape through it. You>
<ROOMTEXT: 6|3|look down. Yuck. You feel like moving pretty sharpish. East leads to that intruiging tree>
<ROOMTEXT: 6|4|and south towards the entrance>
<ROOMTEXT: 6|8|Some grenades are lying around - they look like they've been thrown down in a desparation>
<ROOMOBJECT: 6|12|Grenades>
<ROOMEXITS: 6|0|7|4|0>
<ROOMTEXT: 7|1|You are in the welcome shade of a huge tree, which seems to have odd ovoid fruits hanging off it>
<ROOMTEXT: 7|2|The building to the north agrees with your guess that there's no way through except through the building>
<ROOMTEXT: 7|3|You now notice, moving a little, a sign under the tree. On inspection, it reads: "THE TREE OF LIFE - a mythical>
<ROOMTEXT: 7|4|plant, in local ledgend it played a vital part in defeating the plague, when people rubbed it into the buboles.>
<ROOMTEXT: 7|5|This is, of course, totally false, and the tree is merely an average betula fakeeos">
<ROOMTEXT: 7|6|You may go west or south.>
<ROOMOBJECT: 7|22|fruit of life>
<ROOMEXITS: 7|0|0|5|6>
<ROOMTEXT: 8|1|You fight your way through the rotating doors to get in, then they spin round and lock on you>
<ROOMTEXT: 8|2|knocking you to the foot of an imposing reception desk. You look up and see a green face>
<ROOMTEXT: 8|3|looking down on you with rotting flesh showering down on you. You rapidly stand up and>
<ROOMTEXT: 8|4|arm yourself, you know that she has become obsessive and will not let you pass>
<ROOMTEXT: 8|8|There are some conveniently dropped bullets on the floor>
<ROOMOBJECT: 8|19|.22 bullets>
<ROOMENEMY: 8|15|80|100|40|3|zombie receptionist|makes you vomit violently>
<ROOMEXITS: 8|11|0|0|0>
Room #9 is the endroom. Ok, ok, it'd make sense if you saw the plan, as it
was spare.
<ROOMTEXT: 9|1|Congratulations! You have reached the end of "Shopping Spree", one of the>
<ROOMTEXT: 9|2|first levels for DooM2d 2!>
<ROOMTEXT: 9|3|The word 'dodgy' appeared 19 times in this level!>
<ROOMTEXT: 9|4|Thank you for playing DooM2d! If you like it, why not make some maps of your own?>
<ROOMTEXT: 9|5|Please spread DooM2d around!>
<ROOMTEXT: 9|6|Map Designer - Alex Watson (TACsoft)>
<ROOMTEXT: 9|7|Now type 'quit' to exit (you are stuck in this room! Ha ha ha!>
<ROOMEXITS: 9|0|0|0|0> ---- ha ha ha!
<ROOMTEXT: 10|1|You are in a stairwell type place. It is about 12 metres high and a flight of metal>
<ROOMTEXT: 10|2|stairs go from the door to the corridor along the east, south and down the west wall.>
<ROOMTEXT: 10|3|It is dimly lit, and seems to be the local hangout for all the junkies - there are numerous>
<ROOMTEXT: 10|4|syringes and bottles lying around. You step over the bloody corpse of one unlucky individual>
<ROOMTEXT: 10|5|who couldn't pay his dealer. The door to the corridor is east and a shabby looking door>
<ROOMTEXT: 10|6|hanging off it's hinges is to the north.>
<ROOMTEXT: 10|8|There is a pistol lying by the body>
<ROOMOBJECT: 10|1|blood soaked pistol>
<ROOMEXITS: 10|13|11|0|0>
<ROOMTEXT: 11|1|You are at the southerly end of the the walkway in the mall. An 'el cheapo' cafe is to the east>
<ROOMTEXT: 11|2|and a door marked 'NO ADMITTANCE: associates of perry's used cars only' west. There are some wilting>
<ROOMTEXT: 11|3|potted plants in the centre and a tacky glass roof above you. The walkway continues north.>
<ROOMTEXT: 11|9|Some people are loitering around the cafe entrance>
<ROOMENEMY: 11|0|0|0|14|0|innocent people>
<ROOMEXITS: 11|14|12|0|10>
<ROOMTEXT: 12|1|You are in a dodgy cafe which smells of doughnuts and boiled lard. There is a bar-style serving area>
<ROOMTEXT: 12|2|to your left, which is currently unoccupied. There are six or seven round tables randomly spaced.>
<ROOMTEXT: 12|3|You can see out to the park, where a frenzied Jack Russel is ripping some poor children apart>
<ROOMTEXT: 12|4|The only exit is back into the corridor, to the west>
<ROOMTEXT: 12|8|There is a king size bottle of vodka on the bar near you>
<ROOMTEXT: 12|9|Tim is sitting at a table in the corner of the room surrounded by food and empty drinks bottles>
<ROOMOBJECT: 12|21|gulp of rejuvenating vodka>
<ROOENEMY: 12|5|60|100|50|2|Tim|pisses you off>
<ROOMEXITS: 12|0|0|0|11>
<ROOMTEXT: 13|1|Here it is even more dingy and dodgy looking than before. There are a few written off cars>
<ROOMTEXT: 13|2|lying around. There is a large important looking box on the east wall with a load of lethal>
<ROOMTEXT: 13|3|looking wires hanging out and leading to some equally dodgy looking stuff. Slime drips off the>
<ROOMTEXT: 13|4|ceiling and there are puddles on the floor. The rusting wrecks must presumably be for sale, so>
<ROOMTEXT: 13|5|you look at the price. Ten grand! What a rip off! Well, the bloke must have to get his money somehow>
<ROOMTEXT: 13|6|but he might as well just pov off the street - no-one's going to buy this crap>
<ROOMTEXT: 13|9|You see a scary looking cloaked figure come out of the shadows towards you!>
<ROOMOBJECT: 13|35|Huge sparking wire bundle. You fry like a maggot!>
<ROOMENEMY: 13|10|100|60|30|1|Perry|forces his fascist doctrine on you>
<ROOMEXITS: 13|0|0|10|0>
<ROOMTEXT: 14|1|You are in the well-lit mall, towards the southern end. You can continue north>
<ROOMTEXT: 14|2|and south, and there is one of those pointless MEB electricity shops to the east>
<ROOMTEXT: 14|3|You don't need any electricity at the moment though. The floor is slippery and wet>
<ROOMTEXT: 14|4|as it has just been washed, and now looks brown and muddy.>
<ROOMTEXT: 14|8|A yellow 'Slippery floor' sign is placed well away from the wet area.>
A pointless sign (object# any real 1s = does nowt)...
<ROOMOBJECT: 14|99|Sign>
<ROOMEXITS: 14|17|15|11|0>
<ROOMTEXT: 15|1|You enter the MEB shop, and are dizzified by the bewildering choice of washing machines,>
<ROOMTEXT: 15|2|fridges, freezers, tumble driers, dishwashers and other shiny cuboidal white objects>
<ROOMTEXT: 15|3|You get your bearings and mentally remove these, and realize there is nothing here at all,>
<ROOMTEXT: 15|4|just some walls and a floor, apparently made of the same material the appliances are.>
<ROOMTEXT: 15|8|A fire extinguisher is fixed to the wall, warning you of a $200 fine if used by unauthorized persons>
<ROOMTEXT: 15|9|You notice there is a rouge tumble dryer making in your direction>
<ROOMOBJECT: 15|3|Fire extinguisher for no apparent reason>
<ROOMENEMY: 15|13|50|20|40|2|Crazed tumble dryer|puts you on 'heavy soil' setting, and leaves your head spinning>
<ROOMEXITS: 15|0|0|0|14>
<ROOMTEXT: 16|1|You are in a hobby shop full of stuff like planes, R/C cars etc. There is a strange bloke>
<ROOMTEXT: 16|2|at the counter reading 'DooM2d Model News'. He hasn't noticed you. The light is good here>
<ROOMTEXT: 16|3|and you have a good look around. Hmmm...lots of stuff. Nice.>
<ROOMTEXT: 16|8|There are some estes model rocket engines (size D) on the shelves. Could come in handy>
<ROOMTEXT: 16|9|A buzzing alerts you, and you spin round to see a radio control car homing in on you!>
<ROOMOBJECT: 16|12|Estes engines (suitable grenade launcher fodder)>
<ROOMENEMY: 16|4|70|40|10|2|Dodgy little car|trips you up, resulting in you banging your head>
<ROOMEXITS: 16|0|17|0|0>
<ROOMTEXT: 17|1|You are in the long place thing between the shops which doesn't have a name. You are near the>
<ROOMTEXT: 17|2|north end, where it goes east. You can go north and south along the corridor thing, east>
<ROOMTEXT: 17|3|into PeeCee world or west into a hobby shop. PeeCee world has a big sign asking you to upgrade>
<ROOMTEXT: 17|4|your last week's model to the latest Pentium-II for only $400. You pick up a handy brick and lob>
<ROOMTEXT: 17|5|it through the window. Satisfying.>
<ROOMEXITS: 17|20|18|14|16>
<ROOMTEXT: 18|1|You enter PeeCee world cautiously. There are a number of employees bowing to a 4-metre poster of>
<ROOMTEXT: 18|2|Bill Gates. A PC is nearby with a scrolling screen and it forcing you to listen to it's terrible>
<ROOMTEXT: 18|3|one bit sound and saying "WINDOWS caused an unknown error $187A8C6352234BC2592296E52A2B54F6..." etc>
<ROOMTEXT: 18|4|All the others are sulking and completely buggered up after someone plugged in a scanner (smirk)>
<ROOMTEXT: 18|5|You can get back outside north and west>
<ROOMTEXT: 18|7|You are very quiet, hoping no-one will notice you>
<ROOMTEXT: 18|9|but unfortunatly, a spotty PeeCee World employee does, and approaches you...>
<ROOMENEMY: 18|15|60|50|50|2|Salesman|tries to lure you to the dark side>
<ROOMOBJECT: 18|99|PC. Are you crazy? You set fire to the PC with it's own power supply>
<ROOMEXITS: 18|21|0|0|17>
<ROOMTEXT: 19|1|You are disoientated as you enter the old abandoned hall of mirrors>
<ROOMTEXT: 19|2|Some of the mirrors are grimy, and you feel no-one has been in here for a good>
<ROOMTEXT: 19|3|long time. The only way out is east.>
<ROOMTEXT: 19|9|You see your reflection in a mirror>
<ROOMENEMY: 19|0|0|0|1|1|Yourself>
<ROOMEXITS: 19|0|20|0|0>
<ROOMTEXT: 20|1|You are at the middle of the big walkway thing. It leads south and east.>
<ROOMTEXT: 20|2|There is a big clock to the north, it says half past twelve. You'll be late!>
<ROOMTEXT: 20|3|An old abandoned building is to the west, and a door marked 'RESTRICTED ACCESS->
<ROOMTEXT: 20|4|storeroom' is to the north. Far above your head is a big glass dome, focussing the>
<ROOMTEXT: 20|5|sun's rays on a small spot of the floor, where some dogs have been foolish enough>
<ROOMTEXT: 20|6|to stand.>
<ROOMTEXT: 20|8|There is a dead dog being melted by the sun's rays>
<ROOMOBJECT: 20|99|Dead dog>
<ROOMEXITS: 20|27|21|17|19>
<ROOMTEXT: 21|1|You are in the east wing of the mall. The PeeCee world shop is to your>
<ROOMTEXT: 21|2|south, and the mall goes east and west.>
<ROOMEXITS: 21|0|22|18|20>
<ROOMTEXT: 22|1|You are at the top end of the mall, which only goes back west. A sports shop lies>
<ROOMTEXT: 22|2|at the end of the building, and a dodgy looking gun shop is northwards. It has a couple>
<ROOMTEXT: 22|3|of large bullet holes in the window, from inside as the broken glass is outside the shop>
<ROOMTEXT: 22|4|The door to the south leads to a garden centre called "Perry's Dodgy Garden Supplies Co.">
<ROOMTEXT: 22|5|which currently has a special offer on Eee-Zee lay polypropelene bio-degrading garden chairs.>
<ROOMEXITS: 22|25|23|29|21>
<ROOMTEXT: 23|1|You are in the sports shop. To the north is a gym, which seems to be integrated with the shop>
<ROOMTEXT: 23|2|and you can just make out an ape-like figure ordering people about there - better be careful.>
<ROOMTEXT: 23|3|There are shelves of stuff all around - there is even a shelf of dodgy fake goods like the classic>
<ROOMTEXT: 23|4|Mike trainers.>
<ROOMTEXT: 23|8|There are some especially sharp running boots on a nearby shelf>
<ROOMTEXT: 23|9|There is a dodgy bloke here looking at you strangely - he won't let you nick any gear till he's gone>
<ROOMOBJECT: 23|4|Really really really really really really sharp boots>
<ROOMENEMY: 23|10|40|50|20|2|ugly dude|punches you>
<ROOMEXITS: 23|24|0|0|22>
<ROOMTEXT: 24|1|You go up a few small steps to the gym. Immidiatly the missing link bloke yells at you, and you run to>
<ROOMTEXT: 24|2|the nearest exercise contraption. "BASICALLY LADS, you ain't working hard enough". You are forced to>
<ROOMTEXT: 24|3|exercise strenuously for an hour being systematically insulted. This bloke is really starting to piss>
<ROOMTEXT: 24|4|you off, and there's no escape! If you try and sneak off, it'll only make it worse. You try and talk>
<ROOMTEXT: 24|5|to him, but as you don't speak grunt this isn't an option>
<ROOMTEXT: 24|6|The way back is blocked by some dodgy looking associates of him, and the only way out appears to be>
<ROOMTEXT: 24|7|through the ventilation shaft, conveniently located and person sized, to the east>
Ooooh, the scary mitter spunch on steroids bloke himself...
<ROOMENEMY: 24|30|70|100|230|3|Crazed Neo-Nazi ape|Forces you to overload your body and semi-die>
<ROOMEXITS: 24|0|9|0|0>
<ROOMTEXT: 25|1|You are in the dodgy gun shop. And it certainly ain't no ordinary gun shop - the walls>
<ROOMTEXT: 25|2|are covered in guns of all types, crossbows, double barreled nailguns, bazookas, T52 tanks>
<ROOMTEXT: 25|3|and the like. Unfortunately, they are all protected by a large reinforced glass thingy. >
<ROOMTEXT: 25|4|Regulations, eh?. The door to the mall opens southwards>
<ROOMTEXT: 25|8|However, there is a nice big double barrelled shotgun conveniently perched on the counter>
<ROOMTEXT: 25|9|but a big nutter bloke grabs it and points it at you, then a pool of blood on the floor!>
<ROOMOBJECT: 25|7|Nice chunky shotgun>
<ROOMENEMY: 25|30|40|100|50|3|Crazy shop owner|Shoots you like a dawg>
<ROOMEXITS: 25|0|0|22|0>
<ROOMTEXT: 26|1|You are in the east end of the storeroom, packed ceiling high with shelves full of boxes.>
<ROOMTEXT: 26|2|It is very dingy and smoky from the fuming broth to the west. You look in some of the >
<ROOMTEXT: 26|3|boxes. Mostly empty; some of them have secret files and aliens in jars. Cobwebs are stringed>
<ROOMTEXT: 26|4|between the banks of shelves, it seems like they are holding them up, so you are reluctant to>
<ROOMTEXT: 26|5|remove them - those boxes are heavy! You can go back west.>
<ROOMTEXT: 26|8|There is an interesting box labelled "Property of Perry's gun shop" nearby>
<ROOMOBJECT: 26|16|box of shotgun shells>
<ROOMEXITS: 26|0|0|0|27>
<ROOMTEXT: 27|1|This is a strange looking storeroom. The west wall is very rickety corrugated steel and looks like it>
<ROOMTEXT: 27|2|could collapse at any moment, while at the east end of the room you can see a load of high shelves,>
<ROOMTEXT: 27|3|though it's dark there. Just ahead of you is a vat of bubbling stuff which looks very strange but>
<ROOMTEXT: 27|4|has nothing to do with the game.>
<ROOMTEXT: 27|9|You now notice a dodgy looking caretaker staring at you>
<ROOMENEMY: 27|5|70|60|30|1|Caretaker|sets his dog on you>
<ROOMEXITS: 27|0|26|20|28>
<ROOMTEXT: 28|1|After kicking the steel it collapses, and you can see out to the smoggy city around.>
<ROOMTEXT: 28|2|You go down the fire escape to ground level, and find yourself at the other entrance to>
<ROOMTEXT: 28|3|Perry's dodgy used car co. You can go back to the storeroom east or into Perry's used cars>
<ROOMTEXT: 28|4|west.>
<ROOMTEXT: 28|8|A local druggie seems to have left his stash of bullets by the fire escape>
<ROOMTEXT: 28|9|There is a dodgy looking drug dealer who approaches you, flashing his 2 kilo gold watch>
<ROOMOBJECT: 28|19|Bullets>
<ROOMENEMY: 28|-15|70|80|50|2|drug dealer|pumps you full of re-vitalizing illegal substances (don't try this at home kids!)>
<ROOMEXITS: 28|0|27|0|13>
<ROOMTEXT: 29|1|You are in a garden supplies shop, full of sparking new mowers and chemicals to repel slugs,>
<ROOMTEXT: 29|2|rats, cats and next door's children. You can see the blazing sunshine through the windows on>
<ROOMTEXT: 29|3|the south side. You can go east, to the mower and powertools section, or north back to the mall>
<ROOMTEXT: 29|8|There is a king size pack of weedgone weedkiller on the east wall, reduced!>
<ROOMOBJECTS: 29|6|Weedkiller spray>
<ROOMEXITS: 29|22|30|0|0>
<ROOMTEXT: 30|1|You move into the 'new extended' section, apparently that's what it is though you would never>
<ROOMTEXT: 30|2|have guessed from the collapsing ceiling and mouldy walls. You can go west back to the other>
<ROOMTEXT: 30|3|part of the shop.>
<ROOMTEXT: 30|8|Your attention is brought to the new line in chainsaws, with a slicing power of 12,000 horsepower!
Could come in handy...>
<ROOMTEXT: 30|9|A rogue mower is heading round in circles>
<ROOMOBJECT: 30|5|Chainsaw>
<ROOMENEMY: 30|10|70|40|40|1|mower|shreds you>
<ROOMEXITS: 30|0|0|0|29>
AT LAST!!! Finished!!!
Ahh, the all important endfile command. Don't forget it!!!